Partnership Benefits

$15,000 and above*

$10,000 - $14,999**

$6,000- $9,999**

$3,000 - $5,999**

 $1,000 - $2,999**

 $500 - $999**
Partner recognition in remaining conference promotional brochures and website
Plaque or certificate and special recognition at conference
Partner recognition on your company's attendees' nametags
Partner recognition (name, logo, hot-link, and profile) on 250 words 200 words 150 words 100 words 75 words 50 words
Partner recognition on event banner (name and logo)
Complimentary conference registrations each including a TxDLA membership 5 3 2 2 1  
Advertisement (supplied by partner)  in conference program Exclusive, back cover*** full page full page half page quarter page business card  
Company name/logo on conference signage of event(s) sponsored  
A profile of company or organization in printed program 250 words 200 words 150 words 100 words 75 words  
Listed as partner at 2010 Fall Leadership Workshop  
Complimentary exhibit booth (includes booth signage and pipe & drape) in premium location DOUBLE SINGLE SINGLE SINGLE    
A 45-minute Vendor Showcase session in a premium timeslot to feature your product or service****    
Speak to all attendees during a general session 6 minutes 4 minutes 2 minutes      
Podium recognition of partnership at sponsored conference event      
Logo incorporated into artwork displayed on the TxDLA  Conference Bag        
Complimentary Registration to the 2010 Fall Leadership Workshop - the Association's team-building and strategic planning retreat TWO ONE        
One complimentary Suite for three nights          
Logo incorporated into artwork displayed on the TxDLA Conference T-Shirt          
Company recognition in general conference press releases          
*1  Ambassador level requires a minimum of $10,000 cash and the remaining being a combination of either cash or in-kind donations of services/products.
**2  The dollar amounts required for the various levels of partnerships can be a combination of cash and/or in-kind donations of services/products.
***3  The exclusive back page full page ad is awarded to the Ambassador Partner that provides the highest level of cash sponsorship. Other Ambassador partners will have a full page close to the front of the directory.
****4  Vendor Showcase available on a first-come, first served basis as space is limited. Vendors must request and submit session information by deadline specified in contract.