Successful Online Learning

Before we get into assessment, let’s do a quick dive into what actually works in learning, from a cognitive science lens.

Start by reviewing this article (previously shared as a resource in Week 0):

If you don’t have access through your institution/organization, there are a number of PDF options if you enter the title in a search engine of your choice (such as this one).

First, read the following sections:

  • Summary
  • Introduction
  • Reviewing the Learning Techniques
  • Pick 2-3 strategies from the 10 to focus on (something you already do or would like to do)
  • Closing Remarks

Next, please watch the following video by the lead author of the paper:  Think101, Episode 5 − Learning to Learn: Uncut conversation with John Dunlosky. (18m47s)

After reviewing the paper and/or the video, think about how those concepts translate to the online environment. This is a good time to dive into Google Scholar and see how cognitive science principles are reflected in online learning.

You may also wish to explore this open online course on Learning to Learn Online.

Next: Guest Interview: Dave Cormier