EDTC 6332 » Part 2 » Formative Evaluation (Field Trial)

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Formative Evaluation
Field Trial

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Due to lack of time, the field trial was not conducted before the instructional packet was turned in. This set of lessons takes 12 weeks to complete, which is almost longer than the entire class. Each lesson requires a week's worth of information to be gathered in order to complete the next lesson. The feild trial will be conducted in January with a class of 30 students. Suggestions from the one-to-one and small group portions of the formative evaluation have already been integrated into the lessons. Feedback from the field trial will be implemented in the lessons before they are distributed to the entire high school in the fall of 2007.

The objectives for the future field trial will be as follows:

  • Determine if the changes made to instruction after the small group evaluations were effective
  • Determine if the instruction can be used in the context that it was intended for


Matt Crosslin